Thursday, March 6, 2008


You know how after you have had a big fight and you're all done screaming, and crying and the sadness finally goes away... that is today.  Things are good.  

[this picture is by Mijn Schatje. i like it. a lot.]

Sunday, March 2, 2008

What a girl wants...

It's NOT what a girl wants... I learned that lesson today... if only I had remembered the cardinal rule from elementary school... "boys are dumb, and girls are stupid."  See, if I had remembered the rule then I wouldn't have one of those "I've-cried-so-much-it-hurts-headaches."  Anyway, I have a headache and I remember the rule. So, life will go on. We're still in love. 

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Straight A's

100 days of school and so far, so good. Today was parent-teacher conference and Mrs. Asay said that Riley has come a long way. She was pleased that Riley is doing better with new situations... she is less anxious and doesn't worry and panic like she used to.  Yeah!!  As far as the academics... reading: level E (already into chapter books); math: level E (they draw pictures to figure out story problems... no wonder she is doing well); handwriting: level E (we should have taught her cursive sooner)... anyway, you get the idea... Riley is the smartest kid in school!

p.s. Level E is as high as it gets... A is the lowest... kindergarten is a little odd.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Never been much into foofy stuff...

This valentine is right up my alley!! Thanks 'Chael

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Speak up

Ok, so I guess that I didn't have my blog set up properly, but I have now enabled comments. I had no idea my ramblings would spark such interest.... 

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Just because they're itsy-bitsy doesn't mean they don't freak me out

So this morning I woke up (10 minutes before the alarm... thanks for that, Brea) anyway, I woke up and got in the shower... Brea was toddling around the bathroom and she reached her cute little hand into the shower. I assumed she was trying to get at one of the many bath toys I was straddling, but no... she was reaching for a spider. Right there on the shower wall was an itsy-bitsy, creep-crawly spider and she was about to grab it. At that moment I wished so hard that Grandma Elsie was there. I know I was naked and all, but she would have saved my life and killed that spider. For 3 years she protected me from spiders... day or night... I could always count on her to kill them dead. And she never, ever chased me around the room with the squished spider in a kleenex. She was the best roommate ever!  Thanks Gram. xoxoxo

Monday, February 11, 2008

A picture is worth 1,000 words

You know how I draw pictures all day... well, I look at pictures all day too... so in this here blog you can expect to find a picture-of-the-day for all the days that I decide to post a picture. Some days I will, some days I won't. It will just depend on how much I have to say.