A couple months ago my grandma gave us her old piano. It's a beautiful antique upright. We have the perfect spot for it in our family room, downstairs. But for now, and until we can get it down the stairs, it sits right inside the front door. Since the day we got it Riley has been drawn to the keys like a fish to water. She can't walk past without tickling the ivories for at least a second or two. I promised to get her enrolled in piano lessons, and finally yesterday was her first. We went to a new studio, just down the road, called Chords Of Joy. Riley's teacher, Mrs. Cyndi couldn't have been nicer. She is teaching the Harmony Road Music curriculum, which instills a deep love for music in each student. As they play the notes they sing the solfage names so now it is like living with the aristocats... do so mi do, do so mi do... every time Riley passes the piano.